Trump warns Obama something big is about to drop: “I’ll never forgive him…” for something that is about to be revealed (Video)

President Donald Trump unloaded on his predecessor, former President Barack Obama, on Friday morning. This came hours after it was reported that the former First Lady Michelle Obama slammed President Trump in her upcoming memoir.

(Article by Jim Hoft republished from

President Trump was asked about the former First Lady’s attacks.
He hit back twice as hard — Saying he will never forgive her husband for letting down the military.

Then President Trump shot a warning at the Obamas.
Something BIG is about to be revealed.

President Trump: So I’ll never forgive him for what he did to our military. I’ll never forgive him for what he did in many other ways which I will talk to you about in the future. But what he did, what he did to this military made this country very unsafe for you and you and you.

It is widely known but not widely reported that Obama spied on President Trump during the 2016 election.
But it is not known to what extent.
Former aide George Papadopoulos says he knows there was a deep state spy in the Trump campaign at a very high level.

President Trump is not through with Obama.
This was from earlier this morning…

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